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Federico Martinón-Torres

Federico Martinón-Torres

He currently serves the European Technical Advisory Group of Experts (ETAGE) of WHO Europe and coordinates the WHO collaborating centre for Vaccine Safety of Santiago de Compostela (Spain).

He has published over 300 articles with a cumulative impact factor > 2300 (JCR2020), 6 books and 130book chapters. He has delivered more than 300 lectures in over 35 countries. His main research interests are: vaccines, infectious diseases, bronchiolitis, meningococcal disease, pneumococcal disease and heliox.He has directly managed or conducted as PI more than 40 competitive research projects, 100 phase 1 to 3 vaccine clinical trials, and 15 collaborative grants related to infectious diseases and genomics, including 2 FP7 (EUCLIDS and PREPARE), 4 H2020 (PoC-ID, ZIKAction, PERFORM and DIAMONDS) and 3 IMI-2 (RESCEU, C4C and PROMISE) projects. Member of 30+ consultive and expert advisory boards on meningococcal diseases, pneumococcus, RSV, heliox, rotavirus and HPV, and 20+ professional/academic international societies. He also collaborates with WHO-Europe and currently serves as ETAGE member and coordinates the WHO collaborating centre for Vaccine Safety of Santiago de Compostela (Spain).