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Prof. Jinsheng He

Prof. Jinsheng He

Research Interests

Development of novel vaccine and drug against human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection: live attenuated-RSV vaccines and adenovirus-vectored vaccines, as well as anti-RSV compounds. Immunotherapy and diagnostic for AD: A42 peptide and Tau protein as the target molecules for the development of the potential drug and test reagent for AD.


1. Standing member, Beijing Medical Association

2. Associate editor, Molecular Viral Pathogenesis (specialty section of Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology)

3. Membership, Chinese Society of Immunology 

4. Membership, Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America

5. Editor, Biopharmacology Volume in Encyclopedia of Chinese Medicine

6. Member, China Association for Alzheimer’s Disease

7. Chairman, Sino-German Alzheimer’s Disease Summit, 2013

8. Standing menber, Cell Engineering and Transgenic Organism Branch, Chinese Society for Cell Biology

9. Advisor, Academic Board on the Development of Monoclonal Antibody, Beijing Yi Qiao Shenzhou Biological Technology Co., Ltd.