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天津医科大学教授,博士生导师,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者。教育部“新(跨)世纪优秀人才”支持计划、广东省“珠江学者”特聘教授、美国免疫学年会AAI Early Career Faculty Travel Grant”。


主要研究领域是髓系抑制性细胞(MDSC)在免疫相关疾病(肿瘤﹑病毒感染﹑哮喘﹑自身免疫病等)及生理性免疫耐受中的作用及病理生理意义,以期为基于MDSC的免疫治疗提供新策略和新靶点。研究成果为粘膜炎症性疾病的免疫防治提供了新策略和新靶标。近年作为通讯作者的论文发表在Nat Med, PNAS, J CLIN INVEST, J Exp Med等刊物上。 多次受邀参加国际学术会议并做口头报告,包括美国免疫学会AAI、中国免疫学会年会、中美生殖免疫高峰论坛、Regulatory Myeloid Cells Conference等,作为大会主席组织了国际会议“2017国际免疫学论坛-广州”。


1. Liu, G.Y.*, Deng, X.H., Li, X., Cao, Y.J., Xing, Y.F., Zhou, P., Lei, A.H., Yang, Q., Deng, K., Zhang, H., Zhou, J.# (2020). Expansion of Group 2 Innate Lymphoid Cells in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease and Their Clinical Significance. J Immunol 205, 36-44.

2. Cao, Y.*, Yang, Q.*, Deng, H., Tang, J., Hu, J., Liu, H., Zhi, M., Ye, L., Zou, B., Liu, Y., Gabrilovich, D. I., Wang, H., Zhou, J.# (2019). Transcriptional factor ATF3 protects against colitis by regulating follicular helper T cells in Peyer's patches. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 116, 6286-6291.

3. Liu, Y.*, Perego, M.*, Xiao, Q., He, Y., Fu, S., He, J., Liu, W., and Zhou, J.# (2019). Lactoferrin-induced myeloid-derived suppressor cell therapy attenuates pathologic inflammatory conditions in newborn mice. J Clin Invest 129, 4261-4275.

4. He, Y.M.*, Li, X.*, Perego, M., Nefedova, Y., Kossenkov, A.V., Jensen, E.A., Kagan, V., Liu, Y.F., Fu, S.Y., Ye, Q.J., Wei, L., Gabrilovich, D. I.#, Zhou, J.# (2018). Transitory presence of myeloid-derived suppressor cells in neonates is critical for control of inflammation. Nat Med 24, 224-231.

5. Lei, A.H.*, Xiao, Q.*, Liu, G.Y., Shi, K., Yang, Q., Li, X., Liu, Y.F., Wang, H.K., Cai, W.P., Guan, Y. J., Gabrilovich, D. I.#, Zhou, J.# (2018). ICAM-1 controls development and function of ILC2. J Exp Med 215, 2157-2174.